We have 4 Dave Mirra BMX Challenge PSP games to give away. On top of that we have a PSP player available that will go out to the person who answers the following questions the best. You have to do some homework for this one unless you are a big Dave Mirra fan. Don't forget to send your full address with your entry. The competition is open to anybody. Answers need to be mailed in by 30 June 2007.
1. Which city does Dave Mirra live in?
2. How many X-Games gold medals has Dave won?
3. What's the name of Dave's bike company?Bonus question:
I need this Dave Mirra BMX Challenge game because:Send your answers to: win @ fatbmx.com before 1 July 2007
Winners will be announced on FATBMX early July 2007.
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge:Kiss the sky or the concrete. 
Ride with legends. Fear nothing. Dave Mirra is to BMX what Edison was to electricity. What the Wright Brothers were to flight. Like them, he rewrote the rules of what’s possible. On the ground or above it, the Miracle Boy has redefined the boundaries of the sport and then promptly surpassed them. Now, the legend of the winningnest X Games competitor of all time is on the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, and Wii™- letting you defy gravity wherever you go. With ad hoc wireless play for 1-4 players for the PSP® system , you can challenge your friends to racing and freestyle competition and see who’s got what it takes to ride with the greatest. Dave Mirra BMX Challenge is packed with:
* 17 levels across 9 different environments
* Customizable player characters, with tricked out clothes and gear
* 10 Bikes to choose from and customize as you win
View trailers and learn more about the game by going