-Win cool Dickies stuff
Click at and with a little luck you can call one thing from the Dickies Package your own soon. We raffle two Dickies sweater, two t-shirts as well as two checkboard-wallets and - belts in each case.
-The timetable for the Suzuki BMXMasters is online!
To make it easier for you to plan your trip exactly and to assure you know when you have to arrive and leave, we have put the current timetable online under On location, depending on the weather, there can occur changes, which we will deposit at the infocounter for you. For all riders: Keep in mind, that you have to register till 10.30 a.m. 13th July at the latest!!!
-New Suzuki BMXMasters Shirts to order
From now on you can vest yourself with the current Shirts from the Suzuki BMXMasters 2007. You can order T-Shirts such as Longsleeves in different coulours and sizes online under www.bmxmasters.com or buy on site at the Jugendpark´.

After Holland’s BMX-Shop including a bus and 50 people already went on a trip to Cologne last year, this year it is supposed to happen again. Starting from Amsterdam’s station "Amsterdam Amstel“. A 50-persons-tent will stand by in Cologne’s Jugendpark. Fun and a lot of party is prepared. Those, who want to become part of the trip, can register under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Watch the Suzuki BMXMasters Trailer also as a podcast at i-tunes!!!