One run of 2min Am and Master Finals: one run of 2min 30 sec Pro Finals:
Like last year: 12 riders make the cut from qualifications. They will fight for the F.I.S.E title in a one to one battle “Red Bull Circle of Balance” style.
Seeding System :
Round 1: Battle 1 Q6 vs Q7 Battle 2 Q5 vs Q8 Battle 3 Q4 vs Q9 Battle 4 Q3 vs Q10 Battle 5 Q2 vs Q11 Battle 6 Q1 vs Q12

When there is only 10 sec left on the clock, riders can’t stop their time anymore, and they have to finish their combo before the buzzer. Any tricks not completed after the buzzer will not count. The decision will be made by the judges with flags (black and red). The riders who win make it to the semi final. The riders who lose is automatically out.
Same system for the semi-final but 2min 30 on the clock. There will be a 3 mens final: Each rider will have two runs of 1 min and a last trick of 30 sec.
Total Prize money: 5000€ (6500US$)

1st place: 1700€ (2200 US$)
2nd place: 1000€ (1300 US$)
3rd place: 800€ (1050 US$)
4: 300€ (400 US$)
5: 300€ (400 US$)
6: 300€ (400 US$)
7: 100€ (130 US$)
8: 100€ (130 US$)
9: 100€ (130 US$)
10: 100€ (130 US$)
11: 100€ (130 US$)
12: 100€ (130 US$)
Alex and Matthias really wanted to reward every single riders who make it to the finals. There will be good prizes for the amateur qualified in the final, (A Go-pro for both of the winner in Amateur and Master) and many more! It's a big honor for us to announce that Mr ALEXIS DESOLNEUX will be the head judges this year, strong rider with a long experience he was for Matthias and Alex the number 1 choice to make sure that the 1st stop of the 2014 world circuit will be at his best also in term of ranking. We’re finalizing the other judges. There will be 4 judges for all class qualif and final and 5 judges with flag for the pro final. The pro flatland final will be live on the FISE web cast and live on the french TV channel MCS extreme.
Registration fees is gonna be 50 euro for pro and 20 euro for master and amateur. There is still plenty of hotel available around the city of montpellier so hurry to booked a room before the prices gets to bad.
You can fly from all over the world to MARSEILLE airport and then take a train or you can take a 2 h train from PARIS. Montpellier main train station is only a few block from the FISE We hope to see you all in FRANCE to celebrate BMX at his best in one of the most crowded comps of the year.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
You can find even more details and register on the FISE website: or the FISE app available on your smartphone!”