Here's the full info. See you on Saturday 23 August for the 26th edition of the FATJAM.

-Time: 13:00hr - 19:30hr
-15:00hr FATBMX KIDS session (under 13)
-16:00hr Killer session
-Location: Sugar Hills Trails, Valkendijk, Aarle-Rixtel, Netherlands. 150kms from Cologne, 80 kms from Hasselt, 120 kms south of Amsterdam.
-Info: Paul's Boutique, tel 0492-382114
-Twitter: @fatjam (follow us for the latest scoop)
-Why: For the fun of it. It's time to go crazy.
-Free admission, Free to ride.
Supported by: Vans, Paul's Boutique, EBC, TSG, AES, HARO, Red Bull, FATBMX.
Afterparty: OJA, Schoolstraat 2, Aarle-Rixtel, NL. Starts at 20:00hr. MOOON live! Don't miss it.