Stephen is battling to get rid of his life support machine {ventilator is the posh name}, he is now able to breathe by himself for half each day and if he manages to exhale his CO2 blood gases to a better level than has been able to previously---fingers crossed, he will then try to breathe by himself 14 hours at a time then 15 hours then 16 hours----his right diaphragm has no movement, his left diaphragm only about a third of normal movement so he has to try and use his upper chest muscles to help his left diaphragm do the job of moving air around his lungs ---an enormous task.
Visitors keep on flying in to Denver to keep Stephen in good spirits,last week his U.K.BMX racing friend of 21 years Marco del Isolla arrived to spend 5 fun and humourous days with Stephen ---the second time Marco has crossed the atlantic to see Stephen, this time with his lovely girlfriend of 9 years, Heather, newly appointed neck massuese to Stephen ---at last able to have his neckbrace support removed--- picture to follow hopefully next week as Stephens brother Martin is flying in for his third visit and unlike his dad, knows how to e.mail photos back for our BMX timelord Scottie Dick to publish online for you folks.
Another milestone was reached by Stephen last week during my stay with him;he managed to have his long reach throat traech changed for a shorter one---next big step is to have this shorter traech changed for a narrower steel traech and if all goes well Stephen will continue to change a steel traech downsizing the guage of it until it is finally removed sealing up the hole in his neck and finally saying goodbye to his life support machineand breathing totally by himself---fingers crossed everybody.
A riding legend from California, Tara Llanes, is now rehabbing with Stephen in the Craig hopital after breaking her back and injuring her spinal cord; they are both helping each other during this difficult period and both are comitted to an exhaustive physical and mentally trying time, no matter how long it takes---Taras mam Barbara has been by her side since day one and deserves a big medal for her absolute comittment to easing the huge anguish of her totally likeable daughter.
That's all my news for now folks Thanks again for all of your support. More news from Martin next week and fingers crossed for Stephen in his battle to get rid of that life support machine.