• Each rider is allowed to submit 5 tricks/set of tricks, 4 times a year (For a total of 20 tricks/set of tricks before the deadline).
• There are 2 objectives: High Score Single Trick and High Score Set of Tricks.
• Riders will NOT be penalized for number of attempts -show us your best.
• All tricks must be unedited. No computer or camera tricks -raw footage.
To enter: Send MiniDV, CD, or DVD (NTSC preferred, PAL acceptable) to:
Chad Johnston,
P.O.Box 2541,
Long Beach,
California, 90801-2541

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All inTRIKat alumni (featured or appeared in an inTRIKat production) receive free entry fee and membership to Ground Riders Organization for 1 year. Complete alumni list will be on inTRIKat.net in November.
Flatland Fuel/Ground Tactics DVD customers contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. All other riders are welcome to compete. An annual GRO membership fee of $20 is due. Fees go to the pro purse.
Please check out the guidelines and sample video sections on our web site for more information. bmxgroundtactics.net
Thank you to our additional sponsors: Sick Child Bikes, KGB Bikes, Revenge Industries, Under Ground Products (UGP), Primo Products/Lotek Kicks, Cream, Diversion. As well as our current sponsors: Flat Clothing, Bizhouse, FlatlandFuel. These companies are providing product for the amateurs. inTRIKat presents $1000 pro purse (others interested in sponsoring the pro purse, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Chad and Amy Johnston
P.s. Those who are looking to jam, without competing, are welcome to Long Beach this December 8th. For more information visit: www.longbeachflatlandjam.net
Pics by Rutger Pauw/RedBull photofiles