Here's the chance all you aspiring Spielbergs, Tarantinos and Singletons have been waiting for. Props Video Mag let us know that the deadline for our next commercial is coming up but we're way too busy to put one together so we're asking one of you do it for us. Of course the winning submission will be paid handsomely in the form of a $500 Albe's gift certificate but we'll warn you that it's gonna take a bit of creativity to be chosen to represent us. If we just wanted thirty seconds worth of dorks doing turn downs we could do that ourselves, we want something more unique.

Silly, funny, mysterious, weird, thought provoking, cool, odd, interesting, whatever...have some fun. Sure there can be some riding in it if you like but in order to cut the mustard it better stand out. Make sure it's 30 seconds long and has our name and web address in it somewhere. Now get crackin'... the entry deadline is October 26th. The rules are below:

Entries should be uploaded to youtube at and a link e-mailed to us at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with your name and address so we can check it out.
The winner will have to be able to supply us with the video ad on a mini DV tape within a few days of being notified as the winner. The best ad (as judged by us) will get $500 credit here at Albe's
The 3 best non-winning ads will be posted here on
Have fun...don't get hurt and try not to get arrested
Read the paragraph above to see what we are looking for.
If you have any questions e-mail us at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We reserve the right to cancel / end this contest whenever we like if people nit pick and make it no fun.