WillemII Den Bosch in the Netherlands is a small club where I used to go to see concerts of 7 Seconds, Gang Green, Suicidal Tendencies, Negazione etc and this was the first time in a long time I was in that place and it didn't change, they only added a bar on the side but that's about it. I invited the
Paul's Boutique team again and of course we had trouble to get in cause the guestlist was gone or didn't arrive but after some smooth talking and help of
Berry (Eastpak Jos' Assistant) we managed to get in. (
Pim/Riccardo/Dennis/Michael & Elise and

When I showed them the email from Eastpak at the entrance I saw for the first time the theme this year was METAL! Missing the first two bands Soilwork and Caliban it was time for our first band called Dark Tranquillity.

Dark Tranquillity did their best but the people at WillemII weren't that impressed just like us, it was not that bad cause who can judge bands if you can't do it yourself but with last years Gogol Bordello and Danko Jones this was like an "amateur tour", maybe for the metal fans it was AWESOME but even the main act "Sonic Syndicate" couldn't do the job for us, too loud and not our style, lets say we missed the point.

We did some sticker promotion for
Eastpak and half of the people were walking with Eastpak stickers whithout knowing, always funny.

We had a quick meeting about the upcoming Paul's Boutique / FAT BMX tour and we picked the date: November 23rd till 25th so it was worth to meet at the Antidote tour, not music wise but having a meeting with live music and picking a date for the tour while drinking a beer is not bad at all.