overall value of athletes and events. Hookit allows athletes, events, media entities and brands to more accurately assess and track the value and performance of their brands, events and broadcast properties, as well as specific marketing and advertising campaigns and tactics. Hookit’s multi-faceted analytics platform takes into account a virtually unlimited array of data from the widest range of available sources. Data sources range from readily available data such as social media activity, to not-so-readily available data across the digital landscape of search engines, mobile apps, video sharing and even wearable technology. Moreover, the platform is customizable and scalable allowing users to focus on specific areas that are of relevance or value to their strategic needs.
Through the partnership, Hookit will help power the ‘Social Scene’ section of www.DewTour.com. Additionally, Hookit will produce an ongoing customized report that analyzes how the Dew Tour is performing across a wide range of categories, including but not limited to digital content engagement and sharing dynamics, athlete/fan engagement, and live events.
“We believe our platform is truly a game-changer for sports and entertainment organizations. Partnerships like this one will be critical to entrenching us as the gold standard in data analytics, projecting and tracking value and performance in the most tangible and quantifiable manner," said Scott Tilton, CEO for Hookit. “In an industry where guessing wrong can cost you millions of dollars, the old cliché holds true – the numbers don’t lie.”
For more information regarding Hookit visit www.hookit.com.