Here's an update on Jimmy's progress by Sandy Carson, and his fund raising so far since his accident. The good news is that Jimmy has been progressing pretty well since he came out his coma last week and sounds better each time I talk to him on the phone. He has been transferred from the ICU at Morristown Memorial Hospital to the JFK Brain Rehabilitation Institute and is up, shuffling around and piecing his memory back together.
It'll be a long road to recovery but we are lucky that he is in the best rehab center for his injuries and has great friends behind him. The bad news is that Jimmy's insurance WILL NOT cover his rehab program which he just checked into. The estimated total of the rehab bills is estimated at $70,000 at least and that's coming out of his family's pocket.

As you know EmpireBMX is matching donations to the Jimmy fund and now Odyssey is matching what Empire matches, so we are talking tripling whatever you donate! The Empire fund match ends at the end of the business day on Friday so if you haven't donated to the fund already, now would be the time to do it!
Here's the
link to EmpireBMX to donate.
Thanks a million to all the people who have been visiting Jimmy and helping out with donations and fund raising.
-Sandy Carson Stay tuned for some benefit jam announcements as well.