Just one week left to premiere of the Parano-Garage Bcrossionale Film Festival. The deadline to send in your DVD´s is over and the six special "Judge" DVD´s are on their way to the judges. By the way, let me introduce the jury. -
Thomas Fritscher - Circle Video Magazine & freedombmx - Cologne
Thomas Stellwag - Soul Rideomagazine - Munich
Christoph Huber - Unity Distribution - Hamburg
-Zwanzig Zoll BMX Magazine - Berlin

Thomi Zronek - Vienna (2nd Place of last Year)
Timm Wiegmann - Oldenburg (1st place of last Year)
The Location of the festival is Aurich, a small city in the north of Germany, but famous in the world of BMX, because of its nice indoor skatepark. The whole day you can ride as much as you want and in the evening, when everybody is exhausted, you find a break in front of a big cinema screen to watch the videos.
For more information please check www.bcrossionale.de