1. Gerrit Rehmann (Cologne)
2. Benno Reis-Zimmermann (Erfurt)
3. Dennis Kicza (Herten-Ruhr Area)
4. Pierre Hinze (Kassel)
5. Björn "Bommel" Mager (Berlin)
6. Franz "Laeusl" Rau (Vienna)
7. Potter - Dave - Max (Luneburg)
8. Merlin Czarnulla ( Ingolstadt-Audi Town)
9. Johannes Lange (Berlin-Wildau)
10. Marc Remmert & David Fischer (Halle/Leipzig)
The 11th places(no succession): North, Bruno Hoffmann, Vasco & Noel Schulz, Simon Molz, Matthias Bölke, Jens Puffe and Sas Kaykha.
1. Bommels Tricktime (captured in his own video)

3. David Hoffmann (captured in the Luneburg video)
4. Dennis Kiczas Tricktime (captured in the Cologne and Herten videos)
5. Hannes Trashbagjump (captured in the Cologne video...again)
Please check: bcrossionale.de