Last week we ran an old school photo. No right answers came in so we'll let the cat out of the bag. It was Zach Shaw wearing the helmet and his brother doing the kickturn at Romford skatepark in the early eighties. Good stuff.

"Both my bro and I started racing at Palms Park here in West Los Angeles in 1970 where Ron Mackler would put on BMX races. In 1974 I began building an 8' skate ramp in my driveway because the neighborhood began skating. West LA, Venice, Pacific Palisades was an amazing place to grow up. Our parents let us be free and helped us do crazy new things. We were at the Santa Monica Pier, Dog Bowl to ride our bikes and Palisades BMX track."
He continues:
We heard that Bob Haro and Mike Buff and some of the names were coming to try riding skateparks in 1979. We had already been doing it since 1976 so,... These guys had no idea what they were doing. We destoyed them with our style. They were racers and freestyle flatlanders not pool or ramp riders at the time. But next year they came back and really knew what they were doing.
Like I said, interesting stuff that we can back up with photos soon (hopefully).
The FATBMX event calendar saw plenty of additions this week. It's starting to look good. The Mini-FAT-JAM to open up the 2008 outdoor season is scheduled for 29 March. The 20th edition of the FAT-JAM will happen on 23 August. Same riding location, same party location, just a better reason to go all out as it's the 20th year that we're running the event this summer.
-Rooftop off etnies after being on the program for 14 years
-Sidewall distribution picks up Coalition
-New site for System Cycle
-Ben Shenker on OG bikes
-Greg Smee on Profile
-Randy Taylor (Ride 111 cover) on etnies

We're not too down with MTB's destroying our local trails but if you don't mind having them ride at your spot, contact Oliver Fuhrman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as he is collecting all dirt spots in Europe for a future article in Mountain Bike sport magazine (Germany).
I'm handing this over to DJ as he offered to help out with the FAT Friday this week:

With Tony Watkinson let go by Haro & now on DK it leaves only 10yr old Jack Watts representing for Haro in the UK. Look out for Jack

Flatland legend Chris Job says is in love!"
Last week we faced a little problem when the FAT Friday was sent out. It was due to a wrong setting which has been fixed. We're sorry for the fuck up.
Enjoy the weekend, the next FAT Friday will come to you from Tallinn, Estonia.
Pim, doe voorzichtig a.u.b.