Jimmy van Belle BE
Tom Justice UK
Cam Peake UK
Tobias Freigang GER
Dominik Freigang GER
Zdenda Pesek CZ
Shaun Gornall UK
Francisco Torres ARG
Joel Bondu CAN
Channon Balorian NED
Pic by Bart de Jong/EBC
The 040 Invitational contest during the E-Moves festival in Eindhoven is one to look forward to. The brand new spine miniramp will be set up in the middle of the city centre (18 Septemberplein) and the following riders will put on a good show on June 4th. It's a one day event with a Wildcard qualifying session in the morning to see who will meet up with these pro riders in the afternoon for the main event:
Tom van den Bogaard NL
Kostya Andreev RUS
Daniel Wedemeijer NL
Alex Coleborn UK
Jack Clark UK
Paul Thoelen GER
Kenneth Tancré BE
Daniel Penafiel ES
Jakub Benda CZ
Jimmy van Belle BE
Tom Justice UK
Cam Peake UK
Tobias Freigang GER
Dominik Freigang GER
Zdenda Pesek CZ
Shaun Gornall UK
Francisco Torres ARG
Joel Bondu CAN
Channon Balorian NED
Pic by Bart de Jong/EBC