Do you know when the X Games takes place? Ever thought it would be really useful to have an extensive calendar of every action sports event so you can see what's on where and when? Well Freecaster did, so they made one! The Monster Calendar is accessible via the web site. It consists of 13 different action sports divided by color, corresponding to the channel color code. Calendars with the individual sports can be found on their respective page but the main attraction is the Monster full

view with details of all sports, from all over the world, all year round. You can also select a few different sports to create your own view by clicking on the down arrow beside the agenda tab.
By clicking on each event you can find out where and when it's on and link to it's web page for further information.
Of course would love to show video footage from every fixture and with this goal in mind they will be webcasting Live over 30 of the featured events before the year is out. They will also endeavor to share video on-demand from as many events as possible, always in the high quality that viewers are used to. All events which are showing Live on are marked on the Monster Calendar.

It would be impossible to include every event so the guys have limited the content to all major tournaments, contests and exhibitions but the Monster Calendar will continue to grow daily as new events are brought to light. If there is a Monster event that you feel should be on the calendar, you can get in touch with and let them know by emailing details to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Pics by: Alex Schelbert