worked behind the scenes as a fashion trendsetter for more than a decade. She has served as runway coach, makeup artist and wardrobe stylist with such industry leaders as Mac and Adidas on high-profile photo shoots and fashion shows across the country, including Miami, Los Angeles, New York and Las Vegas. Michelle’s innovative designs, included in her first line Mija Clothing, have graced the shelves of Fred Seagal.
As women across the nation take notice, Michelle also recognizes the importance of supporting her local community.
DirtBitch Clothing has showcased at locations across the Valley of the Sun, ranging from Arizona’s most popular dunes and BMX tracks to the hottest bars and nightclubs. DirtBitch apparel is currently available online, as well as at locations across the Valley, including Lithium in Avondale, Body Envy in Peoria, Brown Eyed Girlz Boutique and Bunky Boutique in Phoenix.
DirtBitch Clothing advocates female ground-breakers within the male-dominated industry of extreme sports, as well as provides the general public a novel, sexy-strong alternative to indistinctive brands, building confidence in young women across the country.
For more dirty bitches, visit