Friday night, March 21, there was a fire at the south end of the area where the BMX Jam ramps are being stored after the Toronto BMX Jam. Unfortunately, this was the area where 3 of the corners from the bowl were located so we have lost all 3 of those corners plus 2 – 3 foot quarters, the left hand side of the grind box and some tables. Few details yet as to who caused it, but judging from the amount consumed by the fire, it must have been a bit of a raging inferno for a while. Someone noticed and called the fire department – the fire department did a tremendous job of ensuring that the fire was

contained and the rest of the ramps were spared. Replacement cost looks like it’s in the $4000-$5000 range, plus about 2 months of rebuilding (those corners take forever to build).
As soon as all that snow melts, I’ll put the course back together (except for the bowl at this point). On a more positive note, the diagram is what I’m working on for Jam 2009. Similar to this year except the bowl is turned around and the far end is reworked. The side diagram is something else I’ve been working on for the far end. Hope to have the diagram finished shortly, so your comments would be appreciated.
Mike Heaton
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