Today 25 April is a special day in The Netherlands. It's called "Lintjesdag" where people who have done special things for the community receive recognition. It was
Gerrit Does' turn to make the trip to the Local Council where he received appreciation by the Mayor for all his work he has done for BMX. The list is almost endless and the Mayor had to keep it short. Gerrit was the last one to expect being called in for the honour and had already planned a trip to Germany on his motor bike for the day.
Friends and family shared the special moment in Waalre.
You could thank Gerrit too for starting to organise BMX races in Europe back in 1978. Next on the program is a 30 years BMX reunion at Ponypark Slagharen at the first October weekend. Make sure you are there.
BdJMore on Gerrit Does:
Click here.