The Tour Dur Laarbeek is a nice concept. 4 miniramps will be visited in one day. At 11:30am you can register for the Tour in Mariahout. The first stop starts there on June 22 at noon. Last year they had live bands at each stop an it did wake some people up in Mariahout when the band kicked off and the guys started riding. It's a BMX-Skate and inline event that is open for anyone to enter. At 2pm the hipped mini will be shredded followed by the spine ramp in Beek en Donk at 4pm and the final stop in Aarle-Rixtel at 6pm.

It's a fun day of riding. Check out the flyer and the links to previous years reports here on FATBMX.
2007 Stop one Mariahout 2007 Stop 2 Lieshout 2007 Stop 3 Beek en Donk 2007 Stop 4 Aarle-Rixtel 2006 Tour Dur Laarbeek For more info call:06-11518194
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