Harry Main span a 900 on the Braun ramp and did a 720 over the big spine to make it to the finals. It was a close call thoguh between all the other riders so you'll have to wait to see who made it, and who did not. High air too place tonight as well and a French dude showed up all of a sudden to give Chase Hawk a run for his money. After watching 5 different photo camera's it ended up being a tie at 3,5 meters with the lowest part of the bike counting. It wasn't the easy way out, it was the right decision. Digital photography' rules for this. 750 Euros for both the Frenchie and Chase. The evening that followed was good. For those waiting for the FAT Friday update we'll have to say sorry but it ain't happening. DJ is MC-ing over here and the rest of the crew is getting wasted every night while we're in the South of France. Just read through the updates from this week and create one yourself. Jos Wissink and family are cruisng by tomorrow as well so things ain't happening like they usually are. Sorry about that. Check back in though for more updates on the FISE. Trying to make that happen.