Looking Back Now:
I completely remember this phone call. I was like “Wow! Mat Hoffman just called & asked me to ride for him. Cool!” But at the time, Haro was paying me quite nicely. And if I recall, the whole Hoffman sponsorship deal was contingent on Reeboks sponsoring the team with their action sports shoe brand called “Boks.” Anybody remember Boks? I think they came & went pretty quick. The big money Boks team deal never happened, but Hoffman still sponsored some BMX racers anyway . Chris Breen & Lawan Cunningham were the two dudes who raced for Hoffman for a couple of years. But Hoffman’s whole BMX race sponsorhip program only lasted a couple of years.
That’s funny that I was talking about the high postin’ Southern California girls over 12 years ago. Shoot, ain’t a damn thing changed since 1996!
This pic was taken of Mirra & I over in Cologne, Germany in 1996 at the Freestyle World Championships. Somehow I won the dirt jump contest at the Worlds with a flip x-up being the raddest trick I threw down. My how things have changed over the last 12 years!