From the 4th to the 6th of July the Suzuki BMX Masters 2008 will be taking place at the Jugendpark in Cologne. Also for the 4th issue of Europe’s probably most popular BMX Event, Camp-Ramps will be concerned with the planning and the construction of the street parcour again. At the Suzuki BMX Masters 2008 the participants can be looking forward to a totally new designed street area, for which

already existing elements will be arranged in a new way and several new obstacles will be built. The setup is going to have three different height levels and offers a lot of possibilities for trick-variations of all kind due to the innovative ramp-design.
To correspond to the current trend, we have put high value on wallrides, high jumps, spectacular transfers and a perfect arrangement of the obstacles.
Various international Top-Pros have already announced their participation and you can be looking forward to a lot of action as well as new and extremely hard tricks galore.
The Camp Ramps Crew