Here are some preliminary designs of one of the new BMX disciplines at the 2008 X-Games called "SuperPark". This is not final. All dimensions and design may change but for now here is an overview: Ballpark Dimensions; Capsule - 15-16' tall, Hip to the left of Capsule + that whole wall - 7', Spine - 6', Wall below spine 2/ speed bump roller - 6', Laid back wall above spine - 5' tall at same angle as quarter's below, Volcano - 5', escalators to 6' (to spine), Bigger Bowl - 10', Smaller Bowl - 7.5 or 8'.

The pre-invited riders to the 200 X-Games are (based on previous X-Games results):
Street -
Garrett Reynolds, Aaron Ross and Van Homan
Big Air -
Kevin Robinson, Anthony Napolitan and Steve McCann
SuperPark -
Daniel Dhers, Scotty Cranmer and Dave Mirra
Vert -
Jamie Bestwick, Simon Tabron and Kevin Robinson