So the BMX fans in Cologne are looking forward to a big fight and a great show as well, cause everyone of them has the style an the power to take away the price money.
IFMA Spine Jam:
-When: Sa. 20th – Su. 21st of July 2008-09-11
-Where: tradeshow Cologne, outdoor between Hall 7 and 8
-Classes: Amateur and Pro
-Announcement: at the venue Saturday from 9am to 11am
-Finals Amateur: Sunday 12am to 1pm
-Finals Pro: Sunday 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Confirmed Pro-Riders: Mark Webb (UK) Harry Main (UK) Chris Mahoney (UK) Cameron Hardy (UK) Mark König (D) Sven "Sprosse" Lehmann (D) Ondra Slez (CZ)