2021 wasn't the easiest year and it doesn't look like we're back to normal come January 1st. Making the most of life during the pandemic is what we need to do. We have bent some rules to keep going and we'll continue to find a way so we can do what we love most. Looking back at 2021 it actually wasn't such a bad year (event-wise) but they were just not ran the way we want to. No crowds allowed, wearing masks, staying 6 feet apart, testing, testing and more testing, vaccinations, disifecting the hands...... it has been a mess. Just getting a beer at the bar with your friends seems like ages ago. Here's to better times in 2022. Keep doing what you love most. We'll see you at the next occasion.
P.S. This is the annual Happy Holidays post where we collect the best BMX inspired X-mas cards. Got one? Send it in, we'll post it up. Cheers.