The riders list for the Vibrations Urbaines (Bordeaux, France) is starting to look good too. Check out this amazing list of riders:Park/DIRT: -
Dave Rytell (USA) -
Barry Kohne (Holland) winner of VU in 2005 -
Harry Main and
Leon Perkins (UK 6.0 team) -
Daniel Wedemeijer (Holland) -
Mark Vos (Holland) -
Tony Hamlin (USA) team KINK -
Jay Roe (USA) -
Darryl Tocco (USA) -
Lil'Jon (NY, USA) -
Ricardo Laguna (USA) -
Mike Miller (UK) winner of the

VU in 2006 (TBC) -
Ben Hennon (UK) (TBC) -
Kris Kyle (Glasgow) BSD -
Chaze Mailey (Glasgow) BSD -
Mark Webb (UK, Unknown Bike Company) -
Chris Mahoney (UK, Unknown Bike Company) -
Cameron Hardy (UK, Unknown Bike Company) (TBC)
BMX FLAT: Camilo Guiterez (Péru)
Adam Kun (Hungary)
Waldemar Fatkin (Germany) and the best French riders:
Alex Jumelin, Raphael Chiquet, Nico Ferrando, Fabien Stephan, Mika Machard, Joris Bretagnole, Jean Bulhon, Rodolphe Cavelier, Mike Bureau, Matthias Dandois, Alexis Desolneux, Florent Guyenno… If you want to get there yourself, contact
Olivier Morineau at:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Park, Flat and Dirt.
1-2 November 2008.
Pessac, France.
FATBMX will be there too.