-Sponsor Changes:
Steve McCann off Mongoose
Sam Foakes on Zion Bike Co.
TJ Lavin off Schwinn
Maris Strombergs on Free Agent
Simon Tabron off Mongoose
-For a few months we've allowed comments to the blogs on the FATBMX site. We did this to get you involved a bit more and post constructive criticism. When we have a name wrong, you can post who it is, you can add more info to the scene reports, in short, you can make the posts better. We did not want to turn this into an "Anynimous says "first" type of thing. There's enough shit talking going on already. Let's keep this positive otherwise we will just get rid of the feature and you can leave no more comments. Chad Kagy's interview received some comments and he had to step in. Here's Chad's answer to the shit talker(s):
"Hey guys, this is Chad. I came on here to see what pics Bart used for my interview earlier today and saw the responses to my interview. Thank you to the guys that had worth while comments to make. And then there's the guy with his keyboard courage, what to honestly say about you... well, I know you about as well as you now me so I guess I can't talk any S about you nor do I want to.
I asked Jamie about his crash at the dew tour in 2006 and guess what? He didn't knock himself silly in '06. He got knocked silly in '05 in Denver and directly following finals I got on the Huck Jam tour bus and left town. Jamie walked to his hotel after being released from medical and went to his hotel to get his car and drive to the hospital to visit Simon since he punctured a lung crashing that night. Seems odd to me that you're so desperate to make me look bad when you don't even know me. BMX used to be about getting people together to ride and have fun, now it seems there are so many people judging everyone else and get into their little clicks of riders and no one else is cool enough to get in that circle. As for the coke, I've never done coke in my life. The 909 is over 300 miles away from where I grew up in Nor Cal. So... now that you've been proven wrong on all accounts lets see if you have something constructive to say.
Your first comment was close to being constructive: Jamie, Jimmy & Jay are amazing vert riders. I commend them for sticking with vert as long as they have. I've only been riding vert for 8 years, I still have a lot to learn. And the Jamie Vs. Dave battle was a good comment but I don't think the battle will be as epic as you may think. Dave hasn't ridden in a vert comp in a long time and he rode vert at Woodward with us last winter and he still has vert skills. He's the kind of guy that has natural talent on a bike and can ride anything but to call it a tight battle between Dave and Jamie is a long shot. With the new format we're running he'll have a better chance at podium than if we ran 45-60 second runs but that's just being honest, no disrespect to Dave. He'll say the same thing. He's supposed to come ride Woodward with us sometime in the next month so we'll see what happens. I hope he rides vert more often. I always loved the old battles between Mirra, Miron & Bestwick.
If you seem to think you know me well enough to spread lies about me and say who my friends are and aren't, stop hiding behind your keyboard and say who you really are. Everyone does and says something stupid at one point in their life, we've all made mistakes but to maliciously attack someone that you don't know and try to make them look bad in the eyes of everyone else is just mean. I never did anything to you, but now that I've proven you wrong you're probably going to be bitter at me and say something else. The problem is that everything you've said is worth nothing and you've been proved to be a liar so say what you want, no one believes you. Try to be more positive like the other guys on here and we'll all move forward much better. Being positive doesn't mean to kiss my ass either, if I said something you don't agree with then ask me about it. Don't accuse me of doing drugs and ditching friends in need. I've skipped parts of comps to help hurt friends in the past so please do get your facts straight next time."
If you haven't read the interview on FATBMX, go here.
-Next to the interview with the 2008 X-Games gold medalist (Big Air), we also posted an interview with 2008 Dew Tour overall Dirt winner Cameron White. Check Check.

Hi, All is ready for Magicflart contest, this time arrive to Colombia some riders from Peru, Venezuela, Mexico and France. I am grateful for you if can publish a news on the event in your Websites. The press conference of the event will be realized on Friday, October 31, 10am in the auditorium of the Sporst Unit El Salitre. All the info of the event is in www.magicflart.com Thanks, Esteban Palencia Project Director -- El equipo de Magicflart / Team Magicflart www.magicflart.com
-The Simpel Session rider list is starting to look good. You know it will be full before you want it to be full so contact them now to see if you can be added to this list:
Ben Snowden USA, Dan Norvell USA, Dave Dillewaard AUS, Tony Malouf USA, Chris Doyle USA, Sebastian Keep GBR, Dennis Enarson USA, Tom Dugan USA, Javier Ortega SPA, Bruno Hoffman GER, Stefan Lantschner ITA, Ben Hennon GBR, Tony Watkinson GBR, Danny Hickerson USA, Anthony Napolitan USA, Michael Sieren GER, Joris Coulomb FRA, Mark König GER, Mike Miller GBR, Michael Beran CZE.
Hit the banner in the left column on the FATBMX site to get in touch with them.
-The Paul's Boutique team went on tour for a weekend and had fun in Germany. Read the report on the site soon.

-Andy Z took the Eastpak boys on a trip through Belgium/Germany and had Bruno Hoffmann type up a report for FATBMX.
-Bruno and Andy then took off to Rochester to attend the Trick Or Treat Red bull comp. Find the report on the website with some great pics. 15 year old Bruno turned some heads over there; "Who is this kid?" and grabbed third place without wearing a Halloween costume.

1. Charlie Bowers - $1200
2. Garrett Reynolds - $800
3. Bruno Hoffmann - $600
4. Pat Laughlin - $500
5. Joe Riley - $400
Best Trick: Kevin Porter, 360 whip over railing to flat - $500

Harry Main (uk) Alex Kennedy (uk) Leon Perkins (uk) Daniel Wedemeijer (Hol) Bjorn Elvering (GER) Stefan Lantschner (ita) Simone Barraco (ita) Nil Soler (esp) Tony Hamlin (usa) Darryl Tocco (usa) Lil' Jon (usa) Dave Rytell (usa) Mike Miller (uk) Kriss Kyle (uk) Chaz Mailey (uk) Sean Lafferty (uk) Mark Vos (etnies) Barry Kohne (carhartt) Alejandro Caro (wethepeople) Ricardo Laguna (Renault) Mark Webb (UK) and Cameron Hardy (UK). We'll get you the report on Monday.
Fuck the economical crisis, let's just do this!
Gotta go now. Thanks for checking in. Have a good weekend.