It's been a week full of sponsor changes. Harry Main is now riding for Mirraco but Daniel Dhers is switching frames from a Mirraco to a KHE. He's still working out the details but has designed a signature frame for them. In Berlin he rode on a standard KHE bike including that bar/stem combo. It got him second place behind Rob Darden. Third was for Alessandro Barbero and 4th went to Mark Webb.

-The UGP team for 2009 looks like this:
-Kevin Porter

-Jeff Klugiewicz
-Brian Kachinsky
-Mark Mulville
-Karl Poynter
-James Foster
-Tony Malouf
-Adam Baker
-Chad DeGroot
We're missing some names here but with a team this big you cannot say they don't support BMX.

-Kris Bennett is now the Volume/Demolition videographer. His first clip was the Day In The Life of Chris Doyle which was awesome. More to come from Kris.
-E-Man is off Volume and so are Nate Moroshan and Boy.
-Ben Green is on the S&M UK team.

-CJ McGuire on MCS Bicycles!
-SE Racing signs "the Fresno Bulldog", Austin Hiatt for 2009 Season
-The ABA National Number one Pro title was won by Kahlen Young this year. Not only was he stoked about his first ABA pro title but he received a brand new RMZ450 too!
-Crupi Europe picked up a sponsorship from Rockstar Energy Drink

-Last night I checked my Facebook profile that I had not touched for over a month. I had quite a few friend requests of people that brought back some good memories. One of these days when I find the time I'll get in touch with you all. Good to hear you're still out there.
-It is almost Christmas and tonight Sinterklaas is coming to town. Check in with our sponsors and find some good gifts to give. Vans, etnies, Paul's Boutique, Mirraco, Hoffman Bikes, Felt, Mongoose, Eastpak, United, Snafu, Redline, Diamondback and also the folks at Parano Garage have a full place with anything you ever wanted. Support them.

-The Nigel Sylvester Nike 6.0 movie part was a big hit on FATBMX. Over 13.500 Unique Visitors showed up on that Sunday to watch the clip . We'll announce the winner of the NIKE shoes and Mirraco frame soon.
I'll had this to DJ now with some news from his side:

-A busy month for UK's Harry Main who parted company with KHE & hooked up with MirraCo plus he also bagged himself a deal with Monster Energy & will be spending a considerable amount of 2009 in the USA.

-Mark Webb is running a prototype of his UK Bike Co signature "Voltron" frame. Ask Mark why he chose the name Voltron next time you see him.
-Next year see's the 25th Anniversary of BMX events @ Jugenpark in Cologne so there's a 99.9% next years Masters will infact be The Worlds instead, early July. Keep your eye on the fatbmx calendar & get your flights early.
-I just heard Chase Gouin has won a Flat contest in Panama beating a lot of new school pro's! That's the first win in over 10yrs for one of if not THE king of flat?!!

-Also a Joe Tiseo memorial park was opened recently. Al D visited the park and sent in a little scene report from the opening day.

-The Dubai X-games are definitely not happening next week. Maybe February but we've even heard April is a possibility. We'll wait an see.
-Vans Why Not!? are having a video premiere at the People's Store in Cologne tomorrow. Tobias Wicke's Vans signature colorway is not coming out. Not enough pre-orders which bummed Tobi out because he really likes the shoe and has been wearing the sole pair that he had.

-Here are the 2008 Golden Crank award winners:
-Rookie Pro – Denzel Stein (Redline)
-Pro of the year – Mike Day (GT Bicycles)
-Bike of the year – Intense
-Team of the year – Intense / Phantom / Ontrac
-Loads of BMX videos on FATBMX lately. Check the Believe it, or not!? section or go to for more BMX videos.
We're going to call it a day here. Thanks for checking in. Bookmark FATBMX, give us a link on your site, tell a friend, sign up for the FAT Friday, be part of it.