Back in 1990 the Sugar Hills came to life. It's also when we started the Mini FATJAM. That's 35 years ago and the annual jam is going stronger than ever. The trails are prepared and offer something for everyone. 5 year olds join the dirt session with the veterans and everyone in between. If you are looking for a challenge, the KILLER JUMP is there. So get loose and send it on that big thing.
This year's edition is special as we are celebrating Paul's Boutique BMX's 30 years anniversary. Good chance we will have some beers and burgers, so join in even if riding dirt is not in the cards this time. The Mini FATJAM is about getting together for a good time anyway. For some that's riding all day, for others it's chilling, shooting the shit and drinking brewski's.
The dirt jam at the Sugar Hills Trails starts at 13:00hr and will end around 18:00hr. and can be found at the Valkendijk in Aarle-Rixtel, Netherlands. Group picture: 15:30hr if you want to be in it. Goodies? Sure. Music? Of course. Extra activities? We will see....
The night will continue at OJA Aarle-Rixtel for the official Mini FATJAM Afterparty (Schoolstraat 2, Aarle-Rixtel). Free entry, cheap beer. Pretty unique these days.
The 2025 Mini FATJAM is supported by:
Paul's Boutique BMX, FATBMX, EBC, OJA, A'ME Grips, Traffic, The Pump Factory, WeThePeople and éclat.
For more info contact:
Paul's Boutique BMX
Dorpsstraat 66A
5735 EE Aarle-Rixtel
The Netherlands