Simpel Session BMX Street Results
1 Garrett Reynolds 19 USA Toms River, NJ 371
2 Gary Young 25 USA San Diego, CA 358
3 Dennis Enarson 17 USA San Diego, CA 355
4 Rob Darden 27 USA Greenville, NC 346
5 Ben Hennon 22 UK Crook 345
-Stefan Lantschner stayed around in Estonia for an extra week and we managed to get an interview out of him that you can read RIGHT HERE.

-Scotty Cranmer videos are always good. Not too much riding in this one but the interview is well worth checking out. Does he live in a playground or something?

- Chase Gouin from Canada
- Scott Powell from Ohio
- Vicky Gomez from Spain
Read the flyer for more info.
-The Rockstar BMX Games are taking place in Australia this weekend. We have 5 winners who received Duo Tickets to the event: Jess, White, A Buckworth, Nicholi Rogatkin, Clint Funz, and James Collins. Tickets were sent off early in the week so hopefully they got to you in time. We've got a Nike 6.0 competition coming up so stay tuned.
-Unity Distribution have got a new website up: unitybmx.com
-Also Superstar-BMX renewed their site: superstarbmx.com

-Carhartt is back on board. Yeehaw!
-Rob Darden, Diogo Canina and Markus Haml are the first three riders who are confirmed for the 2009 T-Mobile Extreme Playground Dirt session in Duisburg. NOFX will play live too. More info on the event in the FATBMX event calendar.
-Brian Tunney has left DigBMX (on good terms) to go work for EXPN.

-FlairBMX has got an online shop now: flairbmx.com
-What!? BMX bikes with 22ich rims?
-If you're in the mountains and you see a squirrely snowboarder come down with a Red Bull beanie, it's probably Bruno Hoffmann who made the finals in Tallinn, went straight to school for a week and then left for the mountains on a school trip for 10 days. Man, we only got to go to the playground when I was young.

- Free drawing to win a copy of the limited-edition Freestylin’ Magazine Retrospective book.
- Half-priced BMX session from 7:30pm to 9:30pm – only 6 bucks to ride.
- Free Food and Drinks
For more details contact Danny Parks at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-The Paul's Boutique BMX Hardware factory team has a Blogspot up.
-Romuald "BiBi" Noirot is taking care of the Cream website from now on. He's got a new frame and is also working on getting his flat ready because his girlfriend and BB are expecting a Baby girl. Congrats!

-Zach Shaw dislocated his shoulder at a show in Kuwait. Just when he was feeling good and his riding was improving (we've seen pics of inverts at 12 feet and no-handed flairs....). He's off to Barcelona for a show or for some chill time depending on his decision to keep riding or to let it heal. Get well soon Zach.

-Bcrossionale videos available at Parano Garage now.
-Paulo Charaba sent in some flatland contest results from Brasil:
1 - Leo Claro - Guarulhos SP
2 - Bruno Zebu - Penapolis SP
3 - Gilson Souza - Taboao SP
- NBL Goodyear 2009 National Elite Men results Saturday:
1st Maris Strombergs, LAT 2nd Randy Stumpfhauser, CA 3rd Steven Cisar, CA 4th Jarrett Kolich, CA 5th Mike Day, CA 6th Yvan Lapraz, SUI 7th Barry Nobles, AL 8th Cristian Becerine, CA
Sunday Elite Men Results:
1st Maris Strombergs 2nd Randy Stumpfhauser 3rd Mike Day 4th Jarrett Kolich 5th Yvan Lapraz 6th Sergio Salazar 7th Javier Colombo 8th Cristian Becerine

-Sean Burns off Kill City
-Leandro Moreira on wethepeople (Int)
-Anthony Napolitan and Biz on DC flow
-Jeff Kocsis on Madera Pro
-Tom Villareal and Jeff Dowhen on Madera Flow
-Brandon Dosch on Redline
-BMX racing will be back on TV in the USA. That's good news. BMX on TV means more sponsorship money for the riders. In these times we can use that. Props to the ABA and NBC for hooking that up.
-What is the most important thing to bring on your first trip to Estonia? Just check the photo of Tony Malouf, taken at the Tallinn airport, and you know his answer.