Vert riders have taken things in their own hands. When the Spin Like Hell company came out with the "Vert is dead" T-shirts, it got people thinking. Achim Kujawski started off the vert support with his indoor Verthaus session earlier this year. This upcoming weekend (12-14 August), you can go to Belgium for more.
Peter Geys built a monster of a vert ramp in his backyard 2 years ago. The ramp will be the center of attention from Friday till Sunday for some great riding sessions. If you know Peter, you should know that the evening program is taken care of as well.
There are not too many (vert) events taking place in Belgium these days. The Garden Of Vert is a chance to see some great riding from some of the top European halfpipe riders. The Bike Devil himself recently pulled his first 900 air in England and might pull his first one on his own ramp in Overpelt. For directions, sponsors, the program and more info of the event, surf to:

FATBMX will be there so expect a report (and we will bring the paparazzi camera).