When BMX buddy Jos Wissink contacted us in 1998 to start FATBMX online, we had a lot of questions. Basically we didn't know shit about how this internet stuff worked, but Jos offered to help. In fact, Jos has uploaded all the stuff for us until the beginning of this year when he designed a new program for us so we can upload from anywhere as long as we have a computer with an internet connection. This has been a big relief for Jos (not being bugged to upload stuff a.s.a.p) and for us because we do not have to wait until something is online and when we make mistakes, we can correct them ourselves. It is really easy to do.
Jos has now started an Internet and Multimedia company called FOUR05. If you are interested in doing your own site or if you are looking for a website that you can upload from anywhere, contact FOUR05. Jos is a web genious and a BMX rider as well so he speaks the same language. Well recommended. Check out www.four05.nl