Rich was responsible for the 3 trailers leading up to the event and has once again given his slightly left of centre tweak to the 2 days of insane riding 200 ft under quaint English countryside that was the Nike 6.0 Tunnel Jam. With the first edit hitting over 2m views in a fortnight we’re pretty sure you saw, or at least heard about, some of the crazy lines that got thrown down by the likes of Garrett Reynolds, Bas Keep and Drew Bezanson. Now the dust has settled, we’ve cleaned up and it’s your turn to give the Nike 6.0 Tunnel a run for it’s
money. The set up has been left to be managed and maintained by the locals in Hampshire, and is free to ride as long as you give them notice. Whilst we are not able to give out the full address and contact details right now in order to limit the numbers in the first month, riders in the know shouldn’t have to do too much detective work in order to hook into the local scene, bike store or distributor to get the low down.