If you don’t have a BMX stashed out the back, but you quite like the idea of being able to pull off some pretty impressive wheelies, then the best (and safest) way to do this is in the comfort of your own home, on your games console. Although you won’t necessarily get extra perks (such as big money wins) as you would on video casino games, there are definitely the perks of having lots of fun. Here are our top favourite BMX games to enjoy which will pass away a fun few hours. Some are from recent years, whereas others go way back to the 80s - the comparison is remarkable!
BMX Simulator
This game is one of the older ones out there, dating all the way back to 1986 and was playable on
The impact of restrictions around the world is being felt by the BMX community as mass gatherings and events are being cancelled or suspended. The opportunity to get out on the tracks is limited, in some instances not available at all. The industry is being hit worldwide, not only for riders but also shops and businesses that rely on your being able to gear up and push those pedals. Whilst we all know what we cannot do, there are still ways in which you can quench your BMX thirst. The most obvious way is videos, watching online and maybe contributing to forums and discussions. There are also some other means by which you can get your BMX fix – games. We are not just talking video games here either, there is a range of activities that incorporate a love of BMX without having to grab a helmet and gloves.