Sponsors: Supercross, 1step2win, FLY Racing, Speedline,
Did 2021 turn out the way you wanted?
Aiko Gommers: I didn’t get all the results I wanted but that’s part of the game. Especially at the UCI World's and UEC European championships I was disappointed with the results although I felt fast and confident. Besides that, I had a great year with obviously the Red Bull UCI Pump Track World
Championships as highlight.
With the start of the new year, are you always looking to become a faster racer?
Aiko Gommers: Yes, I try to get faster every year, also stronger and become a better rider. I also like to improve my skills.
Have you picked your races for 2022 yet?
Aiko Gommers: Yes, for now I know which races I'll do but things can always change. The first race on the program will be Caen in France. Most of the European rounds and UCI World cups are also on the planning.
What did you change on your bike for 2022?
Aiko Gommers: I am really looking forward to ride the new Supercross Vision F1. Due to corona, there’s a delay in delivery, but it’s coming. Except for the frame, there won’t be much change in the setup. I like my bike how it is, so no big changes needed.
Do you generally test things in the off season like different tires, different sized frames, wider bars, longer stems, different gears?
Aiko Gommers: Not especially every winter, only when I feel like it’s needed. Sometimes I try a different gear but that’s never a big change.
What racing gear will you be running in 2022?
Aiko Gommers: Flyracing
What's the helmet of your choice for the new season?
Aiko Gommers: Fly Formula helmet
Do you intend to eat better in 2022?
Aiko Gommers: Yes, I’m not an easy eater so I guess I can work on that, especially if I want to be in my best shape someday.
Has your training schedule changed from last year?Aiko Gommers: Yes, I think so, for me it’s important to focus on the things that went wrong or can improve from the season before. Every winter I have different things to focus on.
Who is helping you with your training schedule?
Aiko Gommers: My coach Martin Van der Velden (1step2win). He helped me become the rider that I am today. He is already my coach since I started riding.
Do you get help with mental coaching?
Aiko Gommers: No, I prefer to get help from my coach and parents or other riders when I need it.
What's your local BMX track that you ride the most?
Aiko Gommers: Club trainings in Zolder and with the 1step2win training group, I ride different tracks in the Netherlands.
Do you ride pump tracks and trails to improve your bike handling skills?
Aiko Gommers: I ride pump tracks for fun and of course also to improve my skills. I don’t get the chance to ride trails often but I really like to do it.
What are your strengths?Aiko Gommers: Keep it fun at races and stay focused at the same time, I think.
What are your weaknesses?
Aiko Gommers: To deal with disappointment after a race, but I’m working on it and it’s improving.
What are your goals for 2022?
Aiko Gommers: Get the results I work for, enjoy the races and make the best out of it. Of course, one of the main goals is to perform good at the UCI World's. I will do the pump track races again if it fits my schedule and maybe more than last year:)