Like I promised, I would let you now how I'm doing after surgery… It's been exactly 7 days after my collarbone surgery and I'm feeling okay now. When I woke up after my surgery I couldn't move at all because my shoulder, ribs and sternum were too painful. I had to stay one night, because it was to soon to leave the hospital with all the medication they gave me. The next day I was able to eat some breakfast, which was so nice, because I didn't eat for 24hours. I also had to make some X-rays to see if the metal plate and 7 screws stayed in the right position. The doctor told me everything looked fine and I could go home.
The first few days at home were not easy and I had to take some strong medication against the pain, but it make me feel sleepy! After a 3 days the heavy pain was gone, so I could slowly take less medication… Now one week later my collarbone is feeling a lot better then before my surgery,