Extreme sports lovers will have an mandatory appointment this mid April with the first round of the BMX Supercross World Cup, sanctioned by the UCI. The Juan Carlos I Auditory will hold this espectacular competition, in which all the best riders of the world will take part. An incredible show of ligths, and music will complete this espectacular event. The best urban music, hip hop, Freestyle exhibitions, Bike Trial and Half Pipe will amuse everybody between rounds. The competition will take place in a dirt track especially designed for this event.

Madrid will be the first round of the BMX Supercorss World Cup calendar, an adaptation of supercross to the cycling wolrd, a discipline that will be Olympic in Peking in 2008. The competition format will be knock out rounds of 8 riders in a track with a great starting hill and full of jumps and banked areas to ensure the success of the show.

It will be the first time that Spain hosts a BMX supercross world cup event, a new Olympic sport that will for sure impress all extreme sport fans. For such an important event, the organization has chosen the Juan Carlos I Auditory with more than 9.000 spectators capacity with an easy and quick access by public or private tranportation.
Date/place: BMX Supercross World Cup 13th and 14th of April 2007 Juan Carlos I Auditory (Avd, Capital de España, s/n) – Campo de las Naciones (Madrid).
Pics: UCI-Jerry Landrum