Rob: Well, as we all know, it rains a lot in Holland, so we are the specialists, haha!! I think it doesn't matter if it's dry or wet, all racers here at the Olympics are all doing great in any weather.
Do you have different types of tires with you for different weather conditions?
Rob: Yes we have some different tires. Not only for different weather conditions, but also for different surfaces.

Rob: It's easy, NOC hooked us op with wireless in our appartments, so we can check the internet and emails. That's a really good thing..
Do you feel that BMX is receiving a big push because of the Olympic race?
Rob: Finally the world can see that bmx is a professional sport like any other profesional sport! That's a good thing and I think we give the world a great show! Finally some action sports at the Olympics!

Rob: Thanks a lot, but the mission is try to get a medal and hopefully the gold one!
Look out for number 72 in the semi finals. Good luck Rob!
Pics by Jerry Landrum/BMX Mania