-Favourite Race: Berlin SX
-Food: Sushi
-Gym: Rockwell Gym
-Person on Instagram: Connor McGregor
-Travel destination: California
-People to ride with: Zack Vankeman
-Trainer/Coach: Tony Hoffman
-Pump track: Temecula
-Car: Range Rover Sentinel
-Movie: Hangover
-Mechanic: Alex from the UCI center back in 2009
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: Nike
-Bike company: Bombshell
-Bike shop: Bikehouse
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle
-Clothing company: H&M
-Phone: I phone
-Music: Regueton
-Elite Men racer: Sam Willoughby
-Elite Woman racer: Mariana Pajon
-Most skilled rider: Renaud Blanc
-Former racer: Christophe Leveque
-Drink: Old Parr, Monster
-Gate pick: 4
-Website: fatbmx
-BMX race announcer/speaker: Mike Redman
-Video game: Fight night
-Photographer: Felix Checa
-Filmer: Gaven Ayala
-Girl/Boy: Ester Esposito( Movie star)
-Sport besides BMX: UFC
-Party: Adelaide 2009