2021 Olympic Champion and 2021 UCI BMX Racing Elite World Champion. Anyone who would have said that in January of 2021 would have been sent off to the clinic. But Bethany Shriever (GBR) did it and had the best year ever. But 2022 has arrived and it's back to racing. After several months of Olympic status celebration it was back to training hard. Beth fills you in on how she prepared for the new season. Sounds like she's ready.
Name: Bethany Shriever
Age: 22
Hometown: Essex, Great Britain
When you are in the position of being the current Olympic BMX Champion your sponsors will do anything to please you. When asked to do a bike check, Mariana Pajon returned with photos of two different bikes and she actually uses both of them. But what does she ride? Curious? We've got the parts list.
Name: Mariana Pajon
Sponsors: Red Bull, Samsung, Adidas, Totto, Kotex, PowerClub, GW, Shimano, Tioga, Answer, IceFast, Faith, COC, FCC.
Some basic tips to get any new BMX racer faster out of the gate! These are some really basic fundamentals of the sport. Hope it helps!
-Connor Fields