Federal Bikes have released sample images of their new collab frame with Stay Strong. This is part of the collaboration project to raise funds for Stephen's recovery and to bring awareness to Stay Strong, the brand and life message Stephen is pushing. This version will be known as the STAY STRONG Notorious and features a
new graphics kit and will come on a matt black frame with gloss stickers available on 20.75 and 21" toptupe with removable brake lugs. This will be available through your favourite Federal dealer in a number of countries and also through w

ww.staystrong.co.uk Stephen's UK based site and webshop. The release date is scheduled for the end of April so keep a look out for these when they drop as they are going to look sweet!
New Stay Strong clothing and accesories including the Stay Strong / S&M Redneck XLT stem are available in the shop now: