-Cranks: Primo
-Bottom Bracket set: Don't know but got Fly bearings
-Pedals: Eclat
-Seatpost clamp: none
-Seatpost: Primo
-Seat: AGang
-Front tire: KHE 2.0
-Front rim: Odyssey hazzard
-Front hub: WTP Pi

-Rear rim: Odyssey 7ka
-Rear tire: KHE 1.5
-Rear hub: WTP Supreme 9T
-Pegs: Macneil and Fly
Weight: ??? don't know

Not so difficult, I just like to have a clean bike look and without a brake you can do barspin combinations easier.. but some tricks are difficult.. and I still can't decide what to do- with brake or without.. that sucks
What tricks did you stop doing because of it?
Maybe just fufanu's, but you have to be more careful with big airs and stuff and pull most of it clean.. cause you don't have a brake for help..

How much easier is it to take your bike apart when you go on trips without dealing with the brakes?
A lot easier.. but still have to do the same things.. I think it's easier with the rear wheel, you don't have to center, you don't care about a brake working or not...

Grips, pedals, tires, seats
Do you care about the looks of your bike?
For sure.. I got like monthly new colour haha
What tire pressure do you run?
About 6 psi I think..