Josh Harrington's bike gets inspected in Set-Ups. He almost lost it on his way to Estonia. Shadow seats and WTP cranks get tested and receive a 9.0 rating (for the seats) and an 8.456 for the wethepeople cranks. 2-Hip has been summer-touring forever. The article is called Easy Days and Hard Nights and fills 12 pages. The etnies Backyard Jam was a good one and RIDE BMX was there. Setting up for one photo sometimes takes time. RIDE's got a couple of stories behind some killer photos. Mutiny went on tour to film, have fun and score some coverage at the same time. Result: 8 pages. There are so many good riders out there that are on the come-up. RIDE interviewed three of them; Steve Woodward, Nigel Sylvester and Davey Watson. The Focus section is always enjoyable for the eye but this time they only squeezed in two full page pics. Readers love how-to's and page 110-111 shows you how to do a smith grind on a concrete ledge. Bio: Anthony Canevari. End Point finishes the mag with German Max Gaertig doing a 180 up to 180 tailwhip down a three stair in the Big Apple.
Wow, feels good to have finished this review. I don't know what you can do with it but those who read about an article that they'd like to check out, contact for a back issue because April is already here.