When I've been away from the computer for a bit I like coming back to it. You never know what's in the inbox and it keeps life interesting that way. A while ago I was asked to be a Content Consultant of a to be released book about BMX. Sure, why not. We made a little deal and I fixed a few captions they had in mind and picked the right photos for the right tricks. So instead of going crazy about all the mistakes that are in these type of kids books, they got the job done right.
Keith Mulligan was another content consultant and pics were made by a.o.
Bo Bridges and
Skinny Adam.
If you've been into BMX for a year there is no need to look for this book. If you're starting out however and want to know how all these tricks are called, the Awesome Freestyle BMX Tricks & Stunts might be of interest. It's got big pictures, loud graphics and not a lot to read.
Perfect for a BMX kid out there. I imagine you can pick up a copy at the school library soon or at the bookstore.
The ISBN number is: 978-1-4296-5411-1
Or visit Capstone Press at www.capstonepub.com