Time: Vdo 47 min DVD over an hour.
Rate ****,75
Music: Poppy, punky, hiphoppy schöne Musik!
Shows: Flat, Ramp, Street, Dirt, Contests etc etc
Company: www.soulbmx.com
Thomas you almost made it to the 5 star, if you didn't make the BIG mistake at the beginning of the DVD it would have been a 100% score……it says Soul 22 in the menu and you are already at #23!
I want to give you a compliment for this issue, I don't know what I really see but I think you found more buttons on your camera and computer, new effects, smooth editing and the music is super.
(Thomas Fritscher helped a lot so that's the reason :TS )
I worked with Mark Rainha building the UGP Roots jam last year so it was nice to see both Mark and the Roots in this Soul. The riding at the Roots was awesome and Mark is a nice kid to work with, he deserved to be in this DVD ( I will never mention VDO anymore cause its time to step over to to the flat & round "tapes" from now on). If you are not happy with the situation of the change from VDO tape to DVD go to www.soulbmx.com and vote or let me know p a u l @ f a t b m x . c o m, we are glad to hear from you.
So many contests to cover and most of the time I don't like to see everything back but 2003 was crazy with the Mystic Prague, FISE Montpellier, German Open Berlin, Roots Florida and the Worlds in BEJA so it is nice as a memory. The filming is done by different people but the flow is there, thanks for finding the extra buttons Thomas.
Riders as Benjamin Shenker are often missed at contests but that will change soon, training in the States will help him to beat the topguys is Europe like Tobias Wicke and the "small Tobias". Dominik Wrobel in the bonus section knows his way to impress too and so does the old punk Markus Arnouldy and the " kids from MARS".
Country Bikes Roadtrip in the UK was a blast too, so many different riders in one tour is unbelievable but fun to watch. Some extra's are the Flatcomp in Cologne, the MC Shiefer clip and some more crazyness of last year.
SOUL 23 is my favourite SOUL DVD so far, go and buy it before its sold out, for only € 19,00 its cheaper than parking your car in Amsterdam for the same time.
Paul de Jong