-Seatpost: Subrosa
-Seat: Subrosa pivotal
-Front tire: Shadow Overtaker
-Front rim: Shadow Orbis
-Front hub: Raptor female
-Rear rim: Shadow Stun
-Rear tire: Shadow Overtaker
-Rear hub: Shadow Raptor cassette
-Hub Guards: Shadow
-Pegs: Shadow little one
Modifications: I cut 2 cm of my handlebars..
Weight: I don't know...
Parts you go through most often?
Georgy: The plastic pedals!

Georgy: Ronnie B, Ryan Sher, Chadwick at Subrosa and Shadow, and Lilian at frenchys distribution.
Do you care about the looks of your bike?

Georgy: I like having a bike that I love.
Does it have to roll smooth all the time?
Georgy: Ohh yeahhh ..
Thanks to: Thank you to everyone at Sparky's Distribution and also Frenchys distrib.. !