Focalpoint BMX Magazine, Issue 25…
This issue is themed around unknown riders from all over Australia, and since it’s the 25th issue and all we thought we would dedicate it to as many unknowns as we could. After all, that was why we started the mag in the first place.
So in this issue we feature 25 unknown riders that you’ve probably never heard of but they kill it on a bike. They come from all walks of life and from all corners of this country.
We also take on the helmet issue and look at why a lot of people have turned to them over the past few years.
There have been quite a few jams in places from South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria such as the BYO Jam and the King of the Jibs #2. We cover all of these.
Dave Rubinich chats to us about shooting all types of photos, not just BMX.
We didn’t forget about the photo project either: all the photographers had to shoot a photo at 1/25th shutter to theme in with the issue and it came out looking the goods!
All this and more in the latest issue of the Focalpoint, which is available locally now and everywhere else in Australia over the next two days. And of course it’s free!
Thanks to the contributors and advertisers for their ongoing support, which keeps the mag going…
Colony BMX, Helensvale BMX, Backbone BMX, Stowaway Distro, Academy BMX, We The People, BMX International, Crossley Cycles, Little Black Bike, Kink, Elite Cycle Imports, Anchor BMX, BMX Militia, Volume Bikes, Fit, Mainly BMX, Bike Corp, JC Epidemic, Stolen Bikes, 2020, Division Brand, Connections BMX, Demolition, Mongoose, Tippos Cycles and Skavenger.
You can also help support the mag by grabbing merch either from a good local store or online here.
Check out the website here…
Along with…
Oh yeah and here to!