A Buyer's Guide is great for someone who wants to buy a new bike or part. It's great for a company to be involved because you will reach people who are looking for a new bike or part so they are your potential customer. Factory Media thought it was time to do a product guide in Germany as one of the special issues for 2011. The first one, which showed up this summer, was a How-To issue for the riders who are starting out. Now they can do some shopping with the 148 page guide in hand, just in time for the holiday season. Over 200 complete bikes made it in as well as 1000 BMX parts. A boring job for the Freedom crew to make the magazine, but if it strengthens the BMX scene, everyone will win.
From what we understand the Product Guide will be available at the newsstands from November - January 2012. It will set you back € 3,90 for a copy of the first Germany BMX parts guide.