RIDE BMX magazine #83.
Feb/Mar 2005
UK: 3 pound 20
Aussies pay $9.75
USA: 6 bucks get 5 cents change
Canada: $8.99 ey
Europe: not listed
Magazines can be expensive, especially imported books because shipping gets added. When a magazine is 164 pages thick, has a big size and is printed on quality paper, the postage might be more than the magazine printing itself.
Issue #83 of RIDE is one hell of a magazine. It gets you plugged in on what's going on in BMX. It's got interviews with Nasty, Kachinsky, Gunner, Weston and Robinson. Bike checks with Ardelean and Moliterno. How-to's and a nice trails section. Good to see that. Furthermore it's got a letter section, deals page, lots of news, product reviews and seriously loads more.
When you look at the subscription ad it is hard to believe how they do it:
9 issues sent to your door (in the UK), two DVD's, a T-shirt and a chance of winning a Premium frame for only 23 quid! Let's do some math:
9 times 3.20 = 28.80 pounds. Okay, let's stop here. It's cheaper than buying the issues one by one, you don't have to go to the newsstand to get it and you receive a bunch of free shit.
Support the BMX magazines and subscribe.