Joe kid on a Sting-Ray –The History of BMX. BMX is an acronym for Bicycle Motocross. This film documents the evolution of a sport created by kids who [in the 1970’s] began modifying their Schwinn Sting- Ray bicycles to look like motorcycles. This documentary is the first film to take a serious look at the history and evolution of BMX bicycle riding, from the streets of 1960s suburban neighborhoods to today's stadium-packed televised Dirt, Street & Halfpipe insanity.
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The sport of BMX is driven by individual riders. BMX is not made by corporations; instead corporations base their advertising on the lifestyles of these riders. This film captures the kind of stories that cannot come from a marketing strategy, coaches or statistics buffs - but rather from the individual guys who turned common street bikes into instruments of grace, strength and personal expression. The individuals who started races and freestyle contests themselves.

t is the individualism and self-expression of these riders that makes the sport's history, and this film, so unique. With people like
Scot Breithaupt who started the first organized races in Long Beach in 1970, to
Bob Haro, who pioneered BMX Freestyle riding, and created the first BMX freestyle bike, to
Mat Hoffman, who’s personal sacrifices helped propel BMX stunt riding into the spotlight. These are some of the people who helped make BMX such a unique subculture. Joe Kid on a Stingray –The History of BMX allows everyone from veteran Pro BMXers to modern day kids, a chance to relive these important moments and stories explained by the sport’s most influential riders so that they understand what really happened in the evolution of BMX.

The directors have assembled a 30yr timeline packed with rare archival footage and interesting interviews to create a film which explores the history, trends, stars, and current direction of BMX stunt riding and racing. Joe Kid on a Sting-Ray delivers a historical perspective to the sport of BMX, but brings it to you in such a way that makes you feel like you were there. While in the midst of production,
John Swarr and
Mark Eaton began to wonder who would best

represent what they considered a boldly individual and hardcore sport as narrator of the film. The only person that is currently in the spotlight that made sense was former BMX racer,
Jesse James of Monster Garage. He embodies what BMX is all about and actually lived the BMX lifestyle. Fortunately former Freestyle BMX’er, Rockabilly Jay works at West Coast Choppers and he helped make it happen. John and Mark sent a trailer of the film to Jesse and when John called Jesse soon after, he wanted in. He not only wanted to narrate, but he became Executive Producer.
Find out more about the History of BMX and Joe Kid on a Stingray by clicking
Learn your history folks!
Pics by Theo de Jong, Byron Friday, John Palfreyman.